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Capital Management Plan*

For Professional & Sophisticated Investors

First tranche Offer: 270,000 shares at A$1 per share to up to 8 investors. (Closed)

Second tranche Offer Part 1: 2,045,082 shares at A$2.40 per share to 15* investors (2 million shares subscribed at A$2.40 each with consideration being 80,000 of crypto tokens at A$60 per token. Pre-Listing token is currently traded @ A$100 and the value owned by COVIRIX is A$8 million.  (Closed) *including 18,000 shares issued to one party at A$2.40 per share as fee for service. 

Total shares issued already since inception after Second tranche Offer Part 1 : 2.315 million to 23 Professional and Sophisticated investors (Excludes 60 Million Shares held by 4 founding shareholders).

Second tranche Offer Part 2: 5 million shares at A$2.80 (USD $2) per share raising $14 million (USD$10 million) to cover costs of phase 1+2 clinical trials in Nepal and India, expansion of executive and administrative support, and primary listing expenses.* Total issued shares on completion of Second Tranche Offer Part 2 will be 67.315 million.

*To participate in the above Offer, investor needs to complete and sign the Shares Placement Application Form and return it to COVIRIX at Level 1, 237 East Boundary Road, Bentleigh East, Victoria 3165, Australia. 

Third tranche Offer IPO Offer: 18.75 million shares at US$4 per share to raise US$75 million pre stock exchange listing.

Total expected issued capital after IPO 86.065 million shares.

The Board of COVIRIX Medical reserves the absolute right to change its Capital Management Plan as to price, quantity and timing of securities to be offered prior to each tranche of the Offer


Level 1, 237 East Boundary Road 
Bentleigh East, Victoria, 3165 



Prof Kumud Dhital
CEO & Director

Richard Li
Executive Director & Head of Corporate Development

Dr Ian Nixon
CMO & Director